
oh boy, this really didn't go anywhere at all, huh?

This is the first time i've dabbled into making comic format art, so the panelling here is all just a buncha rectangles. With that in mind, i decided to make the story a bit joke-y and focus on the facial expressions throughout. I had fun making it, until i didn't. The artblocks then were severe, but it was also around this time that i felt the presence of two more souls in my head. I had to deal with all that and all i could do then was just a few lil sketches before i misplaced my tablet's drawing pen and i was lacking the means to draw for a month.

OKAYAHAHAHA enough about that, let's talk about the plot. THE PLOT.

The plot that i had for this comic was Ena asking Mizuki if she wanted to "suck her off later" (tentative wording), which just fuckin shocks her for about five panels since she has never asked her of that before. She daydreams about it for those five panels so Ena has to snap Mizuki back to reality and then get to her house to do the thing.

I'm not gonna spoil the rest of it, because i might revisit this comic in the future and the "joke" of the next page won't land as hard as it did so uhhhh... yeah.

Wanna see how scuffed my process is?

.kra project file download